Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healing, focusing on the relationship between the structure and function of your body, two things that go wrong when you suffer an injury. Movement Mechanics Osteopathy West Auckland has a team of professional ACC registered osteopaths and this blog will outline how they can help you through your injury and how osteopathy works with the Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC).

Osteopathy and ACC: How They Connect
Experiencing an injury, whether minor or severe, can be distressing. Not only does it impact your physical health, but it can also influence your mental well-being, daily routine, and financial stability. In New Zealand, ACC provides a beacon of hope to those injured, ensuring that they get the assistance they need.
ACC is a New Zealand organisation responsible for administering the country’s no-fault accidental injury scheme. If you’ve had an accident, you might be eligible for ACC coverage, which can significantly reduce the cost of your osteopathic treatment. Movement Mechanics Osteopathy has a team of fully registered ACC osteopaths that can guide you through the ACC claims process. Here's what you need to know about how ACC can help you when you get injured.

ACC subsidised Osteopath Treatment
Perhaps the most immediate concern after an injury is the medical treatment required. ACC can help cover:
Primary healthcare: This includes visits to general practitioners, physiotherapists, and, in our context, osteopaths. If you’re getting treatment from an ACC registered osteopath, you can expect a subsidy on your treatment costs.
Specialist services: If your injury requires more specialised care, ACC can help cover costs related to imaging, specialists, surgeries, or hospital stays.

On-going Osteopathic Rehabilitation Assistance
Recovery is not always about the immediate aftermath. Some injuries require long-term rehab, and ACC recognises this.
Physical therapy: Once approved your injury will be covered for sixteen Osteopaths treatments by ACC. However some injuries require more intensive treatment and your osteopath can apply for additional osteopathic sessions on your behalf to ensure full recovery can be covered.
Home modifications: For severe injuries that might affect mobility, ACC can assist in making necessary changes to your home to make it accessible.

Income Compensation
If your injury affects your ability to work:
Weekly compensation: ACC can provide you with a portion of your weekly earnings if you’re unable to work because of your injury. This can be a lifeline for many who would otherwise face financial hardship due to missed workdays.

Support for Daily Living
The aftermath of an injury can make daily tasks challenging. ACC offers:
Personal help: If you’re unable to perform daily tasks, like grooming or cooking, ACC might cover the costs of someone to assist you.
Transport assistance: If your mobility is compromised and you can’t use public transport, ACC can help with transport costs.

Counseling and Mental Health Support
Physical injuries can take a toll on mental health. ACC provides:
Therapy sessions: If you’re facing trauma or mental distress post-accident, ACC can cover therapy or counseling sessions to help you cope.

ACC & Osteopathy in a nutshell
Claiming is Easy: If you’ve suffered from an injury due to an accident, be it at work, on the road, or during sports, you can make an ACC claim. Once it's accepted, you can receive subsidised osteopathic treatments.
Direct Communication: Movement Mechanics Osteopathy can lodge ACC claims on your behalf, ensuring the process is smooth and hassle-free.
Affordable Treatment: ACC coverage ensures that the cost of your osteopathic treatment is partially covered, making it an affordable choice for many Kiwis.
While injuries can set us back, ACC ensures that the path to recovery is less daunting. Prioritise your health, trust in professional care, and let your journey to recovery be as seamless as possible. Remember, a body in motion stays in motion – let's keep it moving healthily!
Jonathan Hall M.Ost, GradDipHeal, BAppSci (HB)
Jonathan Hall is the founder and principle Osteopath at Movement Mechanics Osteopathy, and specialises in Shockwave Therapy. A fully qualified Osteopath and currently studying Western Medical Acupuncture out of AUT New Zealand, Jonathan founded Auckland Shockwave Therapy to help bring evidence-based Shockwave treatment to New Zealand using the industry leading EMS Radial Shock Wave device.